Mitt Romney Didn’t Just Give Planned Parenthood Money, He Gave Them Extra Power

Remember, it doesn’t matter how many negative things come out about Mitt Romney’s record – his record as governor not his words – the GOP and “conservative” establishment couldn’t care less. And that should tell you a lot about their intelligence and character. Remember – Denny Hastert gave us Nancy Pelosi and George Bush gave us Barack Obama. What would another idiotic establishment-blessed GOP leadership team bring us?


You should be quite familiar by now with the fact that Mitt Romney gave $150.00 to Planned Parenthood in 1994 when claiming he had always been pro-abortion.

You should also know that in 2004, Mitt Romney says he personally converted to the pro-life position. In fact, according to ABC News on June 14, 2007, “Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has long cited a November 2004 meeting with a Harvard stem-cell researcher as the moment that changed his long-held stance of supporting abortion rights to his current ‘pro-life’ position opposing legal abortion. But several actions Romney took mere months after that meeting call into question how deep-seated his conversion truly was.”

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