Here are two Drudge Report headlines from Saturday:
Money left over after taxes biggest plunge since 1959...
Here’s one from late last month:
'GROWTH': 0.1%...
One more from two days ago — and get the quote below from this article — the lefties are economically dumb and getting dumber:
Bloomberg: Don't Panic, USA Has 'Infinite Amount of Money'...
Furthermore, while saying the federal deficit does indeed need to be curtailed, [New York City Mayor Michael] Bloomberg argued the United States could owe “an infinite amount of money” and there is no specific amount that would cause the country to default.
“We are spending money we don’t have,” Mr. Bloomberg explained. “It’s not like your household. In your household, people are saying, ‘Oh, you can’t spend money you don’t have.’ That is true for your household because nobody is going to lend you an infinite amount of money. When it comes to the United States federal government, people do seem willing to lend us an infinite amount of money. … Our debt is so big and so many people own it that it’s preposterous to think that they would stop selling us more. It’s the old story: If you owe the bank $50,000, you got a problem. If you owe the bank $50 million, they got a problem. And that’s a problem for the lenders. They can’t stop lending us more money.”