Mike Shedlock’s latest column is worth reading (his nickname is ‘Mish’):
Here is an interesting email from reader “George” on his experiences with Romneycare.
Hello Mish,
Here is my personal experience with socialized medical care in Massachusetts.
[…] The “socialized” system in MA is now extremely overloaded. Doctos are overloaded with the “free” patients. They have no time to relax, listen or learn. It’s a slow but fundamental degradation in doctor-patient time, and quality. This leads to an increase in misdiagnosed patients, maligned regulation and never ending state and federal imposition towards your personal health care, via policy, regulation and mandates.
Ironically it’s all named in the effort to better care and reduce costs. It’s absolutely amazing, that the worse things become, the more irrational the solutions, and arguments become.