Econ/Tax/Spend/Big Govt

Mark Kirk: Politics has done to the word “moderate” what it has to the word “gay”

By John Biver

A few years ago I wrote an answer to the question “What is a ‘moderate’ Republican?” – but in light of the Mark Kirk U.S. Senate candidacy it’s time for an update.

Mark Kirk votes with his U.S. House Republican colleagues on a lot of issues. So do a lot of U.S. House Democrats. Kirk will always be able to cite plenty of “good” votes. What he won’t be able to cover-up, however, are all of his bad votes, bad positions, and his record of failure.

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The Long-Term Budget Outlook

The Long-Term Budget Outlook

By John Biver

In case you missed it – yesterday the Director of the Congressional Budget Office testified before Congress and his testimony wasn’t exactly what the Democrats wanted to hear. The following is taken directly from the CBO Director’s blog. Enjoy. Or rather, read it and weap all you “moderates” and “libertarians” who voted for Obama last November.

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Why Republicans Failed to Govern Successfully

By John Biver

That Fails to the World That Works.”In a conversation with an old friend yesterday we got into the subject of why Republicans failed to enact reforms while they held power in Illinois in the 1990s and in D.C. during this decade. Thinking about the conversation later I realized I failed to explain my two basic arguments.

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Speaker Madigan, SB600, ‘Fleeced,’ Turkey and Turkeys

By John Biver

I wanted to touch on two quick topics today. The first is rather simple. If anyone in Springfield knows the answer to this question – please send me a note here.

“Has a group of house and senate Republicans walked over to Speaker Mike Madigan’s office yet to request that he call SB600 for a vote?”

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Rush Limbaugh isn’t the only “doctor of democracy” on call

By John Biver

In the introduction to the book by Morton Frisch and Richard Stevens “American Political Thought,” they mention the circumstances facing President Abraham Lincoln and his attitude that then, “as now and always, there are some things worse than war.” Similarly, those of us struggling to pursue happiness in our own lives must realize sometimes – like it or not – political war is necessary.

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Obama v. Reagan on abortion and the conscience of the nation

Obama v. Reagan on abortion and the conscience of the nation

By John Biver

A few weeks ago President Barack Obama said at a press conference that the enhanced interrogation technique known as waterboarding – “over time” – “corrodes the character of a country.”

While he’s wrong about waterboarding being torture, he’s right that there are policies that can impact – negatively or positively – the character of a country. We’ll take progress wherever we can get it.

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Mayday, Mayday, Mayday

By John Biver

The incompetence of the Republicans we’ve elected here in Illinois and nationally has brought us to where we are today. Illinois is controlled by people whose failure doesn’t make a difference on election day. Nationally, the Obama-Pelosi-Reid trifecta will soon be joined by a U.S. Supreme Court that is about to lurch way-left.

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Young Obama supporters should get ready for a life with very high tax rates

By John Biver

The anti-intellectualism that is all too common in politics peaked last November with the election of Barack Obama. Those who didn’t want to think – study – learn about Obama’s views on issues like the economy, tax policy, health care or school reform, or the very messy and complicated arena of foreign policy – preferred to just emote and vote for the cool guy.

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A Wall Street Journal editorial highlights Illinois econ woes

By John Biver

As we’ve been chronicling on this website for a number of years now, our state and federal governments are tracking together perfectly. Both are spending at insane levels and making promises that can never be kept.

In Illinois, the farce is that Gov. Pat Quinn can raise the income tax and the state will not suffer the consequences. As the Wall Street Journal noted here, “At least Blago’s outrages were entertaining.”

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Our state’s GOP is failing to defend Republican ideas

By John Biver

Daniel Henninger has a terrific article in today’s Wall Street Journalwith the title “Has Obama Buried Reagan?” Henninger writes,

“The stock market has been in a free-fall (with a bounce off a ledge yesterday), dismantling the saved wealth of millions of individual Americans who must feel they are living through the exploding rubble of some Hollywood disaster movie…

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A Republican Must Say “NO ” to Tax Hikes

By The Editor

The title above is taken from an email sent by the United Republican Fund’s Dennis LaComb. Obviously the “information age” we’re living in is filled with both good and bad information, and recently I pointed out problems with URF’s latest candidate ranking. Today, for the sake of balance, posted below are excerpts from LaComb’s excellent email.

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GOP 101: Personnel — A House Cleaning is in Order

By John Biver

If you’re wondering why more good people aren’t stepping up to run for office in Illinois as Republicans you need not investigate any further. The reason is that talented individuals typically won’t join a dysfunctional statewide GOP organization. I pointed this out in part one of this discussion of personnel.

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